Other Orchestral Opportunities
Scholarship String QuartetIf you are an experienced string player and like chamber music, the Clemson University String Quartet might be just for you. Four exceptional musicians, chosen by audition in the beginning of the school year, perform in a variety of venues: in the community, at Department and University functions and for children. Some of these events are paying gigs. The group rehearses twice weekly, once with a string coach and a second time without. Students are required to play in orchestra and strongly encouraged to take private lessons. The Quartet is a full-year commitment.
The String Quartet is also a scholarship ensemble. The financial award varies, depending on how much scholarship money is available for this and other needs. Quartet auditions are held at the beginning of the fall semester. For more information on trying out for the quartet, go to the bottom of the audition page. Current quartet members can view the gig page here (password protected). Private LessonsClemson University has very fine applied teachers to make developing your playing a reality, whether you play a string, wind, or percussion instrument. For more information visit the private lesson page.
MusicalsIf you like playing in a pit orchestra, keep us informed. Major musical theatre shows that require a pit orchestra are produced at Clemson every spring.